John Yerkes & Matt Rider

Jun 4, 2014

Zoomin Market is all about the believers! Way back in 2012, two guys sat in a Mexican restaurant in Kansas City, Kansas, and had an epiphany. No, that’s not a burrito; it was a big idea . . . a drive-thru grocery store.

Sure, it makes sense because no one has enough time anymore. Going to the grocery store is a chore. We’re all used to ordering stuff on our laptop, tablet, or phone. So, who wouldn’t want to quickly and easily meet their grocery needs and have someone else do the shopping? The best part: this convenient service wouldn’t cost any extra!

So, here we are, a bunch of believers. Believers in doing things differently. Believers in giving our customers back time in their day. Believers in turning a stagnant industry on its head. Believers in caring about others and changing lives.​